Sunday, September 29, 2024

Fraud and Forgeries Debunk the Italian Columbus History as False

 Fraud and Forgeries Debunk the Italian Columbus History as False

The Italian Columbus has been debunked and dethroned!

This new book, COLUMBUS versus COLÓNThe weaver from Italy was not the navigator from Spain, is the first English edition of a doctoral dissertation proving once and for all that the 500 year history of Christopher Columbus was false.

The reader will not find an exercise of guesses here, or rejection of the sources that do not fit, nor any unfounded deductions. Doctor Manuel Rosa demonstrated, through a systematic analysis of all the documentation, that Don Cristóbal Colón was not born in a family of Genoese weavers. 
— Professor João Paulo Oliveira e Costa

A Falsified Story

Uncovering the truth about Christopher Columbus, the putative discoverer of the Americas, is more than just an esoteric quest for knowledge of the 15th century. Dr. Rosa’s research reveals how the explorer was born a Portuguese nobleman in 1455, not an Italian weaver born in 1451. Forged documents led historians astray for centuries.

Christopher Columbus’ history was a devious labyrinth falsified by many different actors working in different centuries and for different reasons. Documents about some Cristoforo Colombo weaver from Genoa, include many forgeries, as Ulloa, Altolaguirre, Strahan and others declared.

The Contemporary Review (1937) stated that “the forgery of documents referring to Columbus has not stopped,being more intensified after his death.” Consuelo Varela described forged documents stating “the great celebration of the 400th Anniversary brought out forgers that were better experts.” Guadalupe Chocano mentions the doubts and contradictions inherent in the Genoese documents. Ezquerra Abadía observed that many Genoese documents were not authentic, saying that “with a certain abundance have appeared in the current century.” The Raccolta Colombiana was a government propaganda incentive that served the purpose of grafting a Genoese Colombo into this story, even if by fraud. It was not a search for the truth. Armando Cortesão wrote that many Genoese documents “were later discovered to be forgeries” and was astonished that such a keystone document as the Assereto had never been found in the Genoese archives until the Genoese needed to prove 1451 as the year of their Colombo’s birth. The Assereto Document is the most egregious fraud committed against academics and the historical truth in the last century. At any time, the Italian lobby could have opted for seeking truth and let the world know about their lack of documents. Instead, they chose to bluff the world with misleading documents and their manipulations succeeded in deceiving thousands of academics for over 100 years. By deceiving countless biographers and investigators, this fraud was a crime against the Humanities. We are deceived no more! What COLOMBO versus COLÓNpresents are the solid facts on which to anchor a new biography and a new and more accurate story.

33 Years of Research 

Since 1991, Dr. Manuel Rosa, PhD in Insular and Atlantic History (XV-XX Centuries), has visited archives and museums looking for the truth and published a dozen revolutionary history books in several countries, including the award-winning COLUMBUS: The Untold Story (USA 2016). This publication is admired as perhaps the best and most authoritative work ever written about the discoverer of America. It received a 5-star review from Indie Reader, won an Independent Press Award in the category of Biography: Historical, won the 2018 New York City Big Book Award and was named the Best World History Book of 2016 in the Huffington Post.

 Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and Dr. Manuel Rosa did an unbelievable job as an investigative detective matching up documents from different countries to show how the world had accepted a history as being written in stone when it was actually written on shifting sands. The amount of new information in Columbus versus Colón is amazing for anyone who likes true conspiracy and mystery detective novels, except this one turns out to be a true story.

COLUMBUS versus COLÓN: The weaver from Italy was not the navigator from Spain, deals meticulously over Columbus’s name and country of origin. I’ll say the book is painstaking in trying to determine Cristoforo’s birth and lineage through an interesting theory on why Columbus’s stuck to his discovery of ‘India.’

A fantastic book. The author methodically checks off the lies, the misinformation, the forgeries, and focuses on the aspects of Don Cristóbal Colón’s life the historians have ignored or tried to explain away with ridiculous assertions.

A doctoral dissertation that is well researched, complete with details and sources. A stunning array of artifacts and data connecting the dots to a medieval conspiracy, so massive, so bold, so risky, and so well executed, that it has continued to fool the world for 500 years.

This printed edition deviates slightly from the preceding version by the addition of these last paragraphs of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in which the author sees as his prerogative to place the blame for the prevailing falsified history clearly at the feet of the Italian academics from the late 1800s and early 1900s and their supporting government entities. All of them colluded to provide false and misleading documents to the world in the hopes that the doubts surrounding theirGenoese Columbus weaver could be erased. 

At any time, the Italian lobby could have opted for seeking truth and let the world know about their lack of documents. Instead, they opted to bluff the world with misleading publications and their manipulations succeeded in deceiving thousands of academics for over 100 years. 
We are deceived no more!

On June 3, 2024, the Chief of Staff of the Portuguese Navy, Admiral Henrique Eduardo Passaláqua de Gouveia e Melo, introduced our book Columbus in the Crosswinds. The Admiral stated in its Introduction that, “this small book serves only as a gateway to discover” the big historical lie surrounding the person we commonly call Columbus.

Columbus in the Crosswinds was written at Admiral Gouveia e Melo’s request to give readers a bird’s eye view of the research that was presented in our 600-page book, Portugal e o Segredo de Colombo (Lisbon, 2019). The Admiral’s support is one of the greatest honors our work could garner and our appreciation is immeasurable.

The false Christopher Columbus history is a problem so wide-ranging that it has taken 33 years of research to get to the clarity we have reached in this Columbus versus Colón dissertation. The good news is that now there is no going back. 

Academic Support

On June 17, 2024, nearly 20 years after our first lecture there, we presented our latest evidence at the Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa with the lecture Colombo Versus Colón: A Genoese Tale along with Professor João Paulo Oliveira e Costa. Professor Oliveira e Costa was chosen the advisor for our doctoral dissertation because he is one of the top historians in Portugal. Over the decades he had made certain statements in his books doubting the official Christopher Columbus story. It just didn’t make sense to him.

However, on June17, Professor Oliveira e Costa’s position regarding who the 1492 explorer was not can’t be made any clearer, as we quote here:

This was the discussion I had with Manuel Rosa, as his doctoral advisor. I believe that his doctoral dissertation is a milestone in the Portuguese historiography, but it is a limited milestone. The milestone was only in what we can say with the certainty of historians. Yes, it is what we can prove through the scientific method. History is a science, it is a human science, but it is a science with a scientific method. And, therefore, everything that I can affirm without the scientific method contradicting me… 

And therefore, my position is that there is a fact that seems to me to be indisputable. What is indisputable is that Cristóbal Colón was not a Genoese weaver. That is impossible. There is no chance. 

No matter how many other historians tell me otherwise, it is impossible (for him to have been a Genoese weaver). 

It is impossible because of one reason, above all others…, the big argument against the Genoese weaver has always centered on Filipa Moniz (his wife). The fact that Filipa Moniz was noble is already sufficient evidence of his noble birth.

Whoever he was, the explorer was a person noble enough to be named Viceroy before doing anything and then his grandson is named Duke… Duke is the top of the nobility hierarchy, one step below the crown.

And therefore, just to reiterate what Manuel Rosa has presented, Cristóbal Colón, was certainly born in Portugal, he wrote in Portuguese. He was certainly a nobleman, there is no other explanation! He is appointed Viceroy by the Queen of Castile, who knew who he was. He was also revered here in Portugal. He married here an individual of significant relevance in the social context of the second half of the 15th century.

Colón had to inevitably be a nobleman to be in this marriage.

There is one other thing, and that is for me, the key fact, it will be the title of my book that I hope to publish next year called Colón the Viceroy. And Viceroy is the key argument for me, and I don’t know how people pretend that this fact doesn’t exist.

Cristóbal Colón before setting sail, before having done anything of any relevance in any way to make himself significant. A social act, a sword fight, killing a random guy in a battle. Something like that. When he set sail, before he is sent… the promised reward he got was not the promise that King D. Afonso V had made to all those who were going to venture out into the Atlantic, which was to be Lords of the islands they discovered. Not even in a more centralizing way as King D. João II did, no longer promising the lordship as his father did, he promised only the captaincy of the discovered islands. The Queen of Spain does not promise a title of Lordship or a title of Captain. She promised him the title of Viceroy!

It is a matter of seeing who was made Viceroy in the Iberian Peninsula in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Has any weaver ever been captain of anything, let alone Viceroy? And therefore, we cannot create history by going against the facts of history.

We are grateful for Oliveira e Costa’s valued support, which culminates our three decades of working to convince academia that the Italian story about a Genoese weaver Christopher Columbus was a fraudulent story. 

As it now seems, the Christopher Columbus history was falsified by many different actors working in different centuries and for different reasons. We will not go into all those details in this work. What we present in COLUMBUS versus COLÓN: The weaver from Italy was not the navigator from Spain, are the solid facts on which to anchor a new biography and a new and more accurate story.

May this work speak for itself and let the story of Don Cristóbal Colón, who was never called Christopher Columbus, begin to be rewritten with more truth and less invention. If so, then all the challenges we have been put through in these last thirty-three years were worth it, and the old saying “truth will rise above falsehood as oil above water” (Cervantes) will be affirmed, even after 500 years of being covered by censorship, fabrications, deviations, and lies.

— Manuel Rosa
St. Augustine, Florida, June 28, 2024

PhD in Insular and Atlantic History

Investigative Historian & Author
Authority on Christopher Columbus

The Italian Christopher Columbus has been debunked and dethroned in this new doctoral dissertation COLUMBUS versus COLÓN: The weaver from Italy was not the navigator from Spain

First Time in Print

Dr. Rosa is 100% financed by himself and by donations to ACC. Please make your donation in order to keep research and lectures ongoing. 
We greatly appreciate it.

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